Crook dig and fit volunteer team achieve a week record of 6 properties dug


Well done Crook dig and fit team!
 for achieving a week record of 6 properties dug this week (Jan  1st - Jan 6th) and fitting many more with B4RN's kit. 

We would love to see you on the volunteer team - it is a great way to shape up after the Christmas holidays and it is free!
Please contact Pete Simm if you would like to join in

Rain, mud and no rock is too big for our fabulous volunteers ...

 Thank-you and happy new year to our fabulous mole plough  contractors Steve and Tony and their teams.  

We are very lucky to have you working on the Crook project

42 properties in the Crook Project area are now connected to gigabit fibre and enjoying B4RN's fabulous hyper-fast fibre service.   

One happy customer shared that he can download a holiday's worth of WhatsApp photos in seconds!

Since Christmas Day 
Diggers have been digging at Gravel House, Spigot Cottage and Mitchelland group of 4 properties
Fitters have been fitting at Stag View and First Light, Log Retreat and Mitchelland Farm Bungalow
Elaine's UPS programme has been busy at Lindeth Farm, Smithy Cottages and Warriners Yeat